Rice & different Rice recipes

Rice is one of the widely consumed grains in the world. India ranked second with 106.5 million metric tons of rice consumption after China & also stands the second position in rice production in the world.

It is one of the staple grains in India & there are numerous varieties of rice available in India. For most Indians, a meal like lunch & dinner generally includes at least a cup of rice along with roti & other dishes. So, in India, you will find varieties of Rice dishes that vary from region to region.

Jeera Rice

How many types of rice are grown in India?

I came across some interesting facts. As per Indian Rice Research Institute Cuttak, more than 1200 varieties are released for cultivation across India. It is one of the chief grains in India. This crop is grown on 43 million hectares of land in the country.

The rice-growing areas are grouped into five regions:

  1. North-Eastern Region– This region receives heavy rainfall. Assam & North-Eastern States of India comes under that.
  2. Eastern Region – This region has the highest intensity of rice cultivation in the country. Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Eastern Uttar Pradesh & Jharkhand comes under this.
  3. Northern Region – Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh & Uttrakhand fall under this region. These areas experience low temperatures during winter.
  4. Western Region – Gujrat, Maharastra & Rajasthan falls under this region. 
  5. Southern Indian Region – It mainly comprises the state of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Tamil Nadu. 

60% of the Indian population consumes rice. Every region uses its varieties for consumption. You will find countless recipes & preparation which vary from region to region. It is often directly associated with prosperity and fertility – hence there is the custom of throwing rice at newlyweds. 

Historical Journey of Rice in India

The earliest remains of grains in the Indian subcontinent have been found in the Indo-Gangetic plain around 6000 BCE. The earliest date for cultivated rice is placed around 3000 BCE. Food historians believe that the Indica variety was first grown in the North-Eastern state of India. Perennial wild rice still grows in Assam & Nepal. Rice was first mentioned in Yejur Veda (written between 1500 BCE-800BCE).