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Garlic – Benefit & More

Garlic (Allium sativum) belongs to the Amaryllis family, grown for its flavorful bulbs. It is a close relative of Onion, Shallots, leeks & chives. It has historical evidence of thousands of years of human consumption and use.

History & Origin of Garlic

Garlic is the oldest known herb used by human civilization. The plant is native to central Asia & now it is grown worldwide. In the Old World, Indian & Egyptian cultures referred to this plant 5000 years ago. Sumerians, the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, were using this herbaceous plant for healing qualities. It is a belief that Sumerians brought this plant to China and then spread it to Japan & Korea.

In ancient India, Garlic was valuable. In Vedas, it was mentioned among other medicinal plants. It is popularly known as Lasuna in Sanskrit. Egyptians used the most as an aromatic seasoning & medicine. The Egyptian crypts are the oldest visible inscriptions for the existence of the herbaceous plant. Sculptures of garlic bulbs have been discovered in a crypt dating back to 3700 BC, while illustrations of garlic have been discovered in a crypt dating back to 3200 BC.

Dr Nandan Shukla - Talks about the benefits of Garlic.

In this video, Dr. Nandan Shukla, an Ayurvedic physician, explains how this herbaceous plant can benefit one’s health.

Here is the text transcript

How to take Garlic | Lasuna in the morning empty stomach?

Take two buds of Lahsun, crush them & keep them for 10 minutes, then consume them with water – on an empty stomach in the morning. By crushing its membrane, we will get the maximum benefit. When we crush, it releases Allicin. The benefit we get is from crushed garlic because of Allicin.

Benefits od Lasuna

Helps with joint pain & reduces inflammation.

It acts as a heart tonic. Keep the arteries flexible, acts as a blood thinner & cut down fat deposits in arteries.

It helps to control blood pressure, but those who take aspirin as a blood thinner don’t take garlic as it also works as a blood thinner. Consult your doctor before consuming.

It controls diabetes & helps to manage weight by improving body metabolism.

Those who suffer from Pitta-Rog, take only one bud of garlic and consume it with honey. For those who have cough problems, also consume it with honey.

In addition to the above benefits

In short, we can say that garlic is छोटा पैक बड़ा धमाका (small pack – big bang). Indian Food Therapy tries to bring all the information related to Indian food. So, keep exploring our blog.

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