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Cow Ghee benefits as per Ayurveda

Cow Ghee

Cow Ghee | benefits as per Ayurveda

Why Desi Ghee is good for health & how do you take it as a medicine that benefits your health?..

Dr. Nandan Shukla – an Ayurvedic physician, gives insight into its benefits and importance. In Ayurveda, Cow Ghee is mentioned as one of the very useful Rasayana, to boost immunity. As per the Ayurveda – take 10ml of cow ghee daily empty stomach in the morning -warm it a little & consume a teaspoon every morning empty stomach, followed by lukewarm water. Continue this process for 90 days as a course & don’t eat anything for 1 hr after consuming it. This therapy is also known as Snehan.

This therapy is very beneficial for us & few points as mentioned below :

Benefits of taking Cow Ghee empty stomach

  1. It works as an immunity booster.
  2. It Brings a glow to your face and hair & keeps your skin and hair healthy.  
  3. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that after 40 years of age, everyone should take Rasayana to balance the Vata. Ghee finishes the dryness of the body raised by Vata. It acts as a lubricant for knee bones and does the internal oiling of the body. 
  4. It improves digestion.
  5. Balance the cholesterol level. It raises the good HDL & reduces the bad cholesterol. But still, heart patients consult with the doctor before consuming it.
  6. It helps in weight loss if consumed rightly. 
  7. Ghee is a rich source of Vitamin K, which helps calcium absorption. It also improves the absorption power of Vitamin D in your body and keeps you healthy.
  8. It controls Vatta , Pitta & Kalpa. These are the three doshas based on physical, emotional, mental & behavioral characteristics of the human body.

Consuming Cow Ghee for 90 days – in Ayurveda is known as Snehan. People having medical issues should consult a doctor before starting this course. In general, this is very much beneficial for your body. We can use our homemade cow ghee or Ayurvedic ‘Panchgavya Ghrit’ – both will do the same thing. In Ayurveda Punchgavya Ghrit consist of Gaumutra. Those who are allergic to it can use the homemade cow ghee.

Cow ghee, known as desi ghee & is easily available in Indian Kitchen. A Spoonful of consuming every day has immense benefits and exceptional nutritional value. We Indians are using it for thousands of years in Ayurvedic rituals, cooking & Hindu religious ceremonies. After the pandemic, the world is looking to go close to nature which helps to build stronger immunity. Ayurveda has all the answer that gives meaning to life & tells how to connect with nature. So, get connected with Indian Food Therapy for more information about Indian cuisine. 


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